The Guswenta Agreement Called For: Understanding the Treaty Between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch
The Guswenta Agreement, also known as the Two Row Wampum Treaty, is an important historical document that outlines the relationship between the Haudenosaunee (also known as the Iroquois Confederacy) and the Dutch in the 17th century. This treaty, which was signed in 1613, is often referred to as the first agreement between Indigenous peoples and European settlers in North America.
So, what did the Guswenta Agreement call for? Simply put, it established a mutually beneficial relationship between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch based on the principle of respect for each other`s sovereignty and way of life. The agreement was symbolized by the two rows of purple and white wampum beads that were exchanged between the parties as a visual representation of their mutual agreement.
The first row of beads in the Guswenta Agreement represented the Haudenosaunee people, their laws, customs, and ways of life. The second row represented the European settlers` people, their laws, customs, and ways of life. Both beads were to move along the same path, side by side, without one row crossing over the other. This was meant to symbolize the idea that both parties would live and work together in peace, respecting each other`s ways of life and laws.
The Guswenta Agreement also called for trade and commerce between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch, with each party benefiting from the other`s goods and expertise. For example, the Haudenosaunee provided the Dutch with furs, while the Dutch provided the Haudenosaunee with firearms and other goods that were not available to them.
Perhaps most importantly, the Guswenta Agreement called for the peaceful coexistence of the Haudenosaunee and the European settlers. The treaty explicitly stated that “the path shall be clear, that there shall be peace between [us] and that [we] shall not be hindered in [our] ways of life.” This was a significant departure from the violent and exploitative relationships that characterized much of the European colonization of North America.
Unfortunately, the spirit of the Guswenta Agreement was often violated by subsequent European settlers and governments. The Haudenosaunee were forced to cede land and resources, and their sovereignty and ways of life were threatened. However, the treaty remains an important symbol of the possibility of respectful and mutually beneficial relationships between Indigenous peoples and settlers.
In conclusion, the Guswenta Agreement called for a relationship of mutual respect and benefit between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch. It established trade and commerce between the parties and symbolized the importance of peaceful coexistence and respect for each other`s ways of life and laws. Although the treaty was often ignored and violated, its spirit remains an important reminder of the potential for meaningful relationships between Indigenous peoples and settlers.